Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Today my lil short human wanted to ride bare back.  She said she likes being able to feel my back and how the muscles are moving and she said it improves her seat.  I think she was just too lazy to get the saddle and the girth out and put that on me also. I don't complain though, I get a treat after she clambers onto my back because I am so good and just stand there trying to keep my balance while she shimmies onto my back.  She kind of needs an extra step on the mounting block thing, but I guess they don't make them any taller. We just walk when she rides bareback so I was happy, it was hot again today and I was kind of tired. 

Hopefully tomorrow is bareback day also!

Princess Bella

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Remember my Princess day where I had this fabulous photo shoot?  Well, my lil short human got the pictures, don't they look great?!  I can't believe how the photographer captured my good side in all the photos!

If you are ever looking for an amazing photographer, that has this super cute fuzzy unicorn stick pony that you can snuffle, look no further than the amazing Holly Casner, Equestrian Photographer 

My lil short human said she is buying all of the pictures.  Well, of course, why wouldn't she?  I think I am quite photogenic.

 Yours Truly
Princess Bella

Friday, July 7, 2017

Well, I survived the dreaded Fourth of July.  Actually my lil short human said she was very proud of me, I wanted to know if I got extra carrots for that, instead I had to endure a bath.

Although I like to be clean, shiny and pretty, I would also like her to hurry up.  I tried to make it fun by having her squirt the water in my mouth. It was super fun when I would shut my teeth and the water would squirt all over her!  She just laughed, my lil human is a good sport.

I made the mistake of showing her how good I've been in school by staying on the bit and being forward.  Now I get in trouble when I pull my giraffe routine when my lil human asks for the trot. Must remember to not show off and keep my lil human in the dark on what I can do for as long as I can.

Here is a picture of me all shiny

Tip for the day:  Keep lil short humans in the dark on what you are actually capable of doing!

Until next time:
Princess Bella